NOTICE: HelloSign has released Auto-fill fields, but they are unreliable and have created issues so please don't use them. Instead, you should use the Sender fields for auto-fill options (see point #3 below).  

You can setup custom signing templates for each offering on your platform so that your investors seamlessly sign during the investment process. 

Please review these important points before you begin:

1. Templates are assigned to Profiles. A Profile is how your investor is investing, for example, as an Individual or an IRA. Depending on your legal documents you may have different signature pages and information that needs to be filled out for different types of investors, so creating separate templates for each type of investor creates a nice experience for your investors so that they are only filling out information that applies to them.

2. The only profile type that supports two investor signors is Joint Registration. Any investor who requires another signature (spouse, trustee, partner, etc) should setup the Joint Registration profile type and invest using this profile. This way you have only one eSign Template with 2 investor signatures and have it linked to the Joint Registration profile type. 

3. The "Sender" role is investor merge fields. For example, if you use the Sender role and select "profileName", then this will automatically merge your investor's profile name into the signing document. 

Make sure all of your fields are wide enough so all of the information will fit, otherwise it will create an error during the signing process. 

4. You can only upload one document package to sign. If you have multiple documents, for example a questionnaire and a subscription agreement, then you can save them as PDF's and then merge them into one file. is a free tool for this. 

5. The document size should not exceed 1mb in size in order to provide the best experience for your investors and yourself while setting these templates up. Documents that are too big will create long load times and potential errors. You can compress your PDF document using a free tool like

If you are still having problems with document size consider removing pages with images.

Here's a short video on setting up an eSign Template.